Tuesday, 7 February 2012


'Canicule' (Vogue Paris, July 2011) - 

Isabelli Fontana modelling, Emmanuelle styling, Mert and Mercus photographing

Monday, 6 February 2012


flight to New York is in seven hours - not packed or slept but at least my Lana del Rey nails'll be banging

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Robert Montgomery

Robert Montgomery was born in 1972 in Ayrshire, Scotland and graduated from Edinburgh College of Art with a first class honours degree and a MFA.  He is a conceptual artist.  This is some of his recent work;


these billboards are currently around East London.
if you want to know more; 

Friday, 3 February 2012

(Twin Peaks)

'Twin Peaks' (Vogue Australia, July 2011) - 
Emilia Scuza and Melissa Johanssen modelling, Meg Grey styling 
and Nicole Bentley photographing